Calhoun City Schools' enrollment procedures, requirements, and processes do not and will not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, or immigration status.
Optional Forms (If Applicable)
Records Request: If student is transferring from another school, this form gives permission for CCS to request those records.
Non-Resident Application: Parents must complete if they live outside of Calhoun city limits.
Kinship Care Affidavit: When a child is living/staying with someone who is not their legal custodian and does not qualify as homeless. This form is good for 30-45 days until said adult can obtain some type of legal custody of child. *If child is homeless or in foster care, form is not necessary.
Grandparent Power of Attorney: When a student is residing with a grandparent but grandparent does not have legal custody. Parent should sign document giving grandparent authority to enroll child(ren) school.
Poder Notarial de Abuelos
SSN Objection Form: Parents must complete this form if they do not want to provide a copy of their child’s SSN.
Medication Authorization: Specific documentation for parents who wish for school to administer medication